

Meet the FOLAN teams and find your fibre solution!

In 2024, the FOLAN teams will be present at several exhibitions. This will be an opportunity to present our products, advise you on your projects and provide you with solutions tailored to your needs.

Meet us at the following events:

  • 19-21 March: FTTH Conference – Berlin, Germany. Meet us on Hall 25 stand S05!
    The world’s largest fibre optics gathering. Workshops, conferences, a two-day exhibition by the leading fibre optic suppliers, this exhibition allows to deepen the knowledge of fibre.
  • 26-28 June: FNCCR Congress, Besançon, France. Meet us at the Cercle CREDO Village
    The meeting place for local authorities and public decision-makers, bringing together elected representatives, local authority staff, institutional players and company representatives responsible for public network services: energy (electricity, gas, heating and cooling), water and wastewater, digital (networks, IT, data), waste, and related services: GIS, public lighting, clean mobility, smart city, etc.
  • 15 and 16 October: Université de la Transition Numérique des Territoires, Strasbourg, France. Come and see us on stand 57!
    Digital transformation represents a real global challenge for the economic, social and environmental development of regions. The African continent, for example, needs to mobilise over 100 billion dollars of investment by 2030 to meet this challenge. In Europe, a number of countries, including Germany and the United Kingdom, have just begun rolling out fibre optic networks to provide very high-speed broadband connections to homes and businesses. UTNT (formerly UTHD) will be the place to be in 2024!

Our experts will help you with your fibre optic projects. In the meantime, follow us on Linkedin and on our News page!